NEW and IMPROVED Humans Surviving in the Essential NEW Earth

NEW and IMPROVED Humans Surviving in the Essential NEW Earth

After a multitude of warnings, humanity is fairly unanimous that there is something detrimental going on in the earth. Whether we want to call it climate change or global warming, it’s happening. And it’s happening fast. Is there anything we can do? More pro-actively, what can we do about it?


Can our government leaders fix it? Is it in their domain to do so?
Angels_Angles nd_Book_of_Genesis
Perhaps we can ask; what government or nation is closest to heaven? Sure. Why not?

Does one need a multi-billion dollar net worth to get to heaven? Is there a heavenly solution in outer space? Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Richard Branson seem to think so in their space race quest.

Many of today’s billionaires can at least afford a 10-30 minute “temporary” escape into the universe to watch the spectacle humanity has made of its collective home, we fondly call, planet earth.  Some of these same billionaires are the same one’s creating the mess on earth. So that should be interesting.

Now, if you can’t afford a shuttle to outer space, perhaps you can imagine a ladder to heaven like the biblical elder Jacob recounts in the Old Testament. He says he saw angels “ascending and descending”.

Wait a minute. They were “ascending then descending”. How is that? What did he mean?

Guess what? Those are all good questions. I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen it myself.

Imagine if you will that there was a world pointing towards earth. So as you look up, everyone appears to be standing upside down.

That’s not so strange really. Everyone on earth stands upside down at some point in the day while the earth rotates on its axis. Right? Let’s not take gravity for granted or we’d all be sputtering in outer space.

So, like you, I too had asked the question. How can angels “ascend” to earth? Then, many years later I saw it.

I was taking a walk through the park and I saw them climbing “up the stairs, but they were upside down. Then they dropped to the ground. Question answered.

But what does that have to do with climate change and surviving the new earth? Everything!

There is so much going on that we don’t see. In our rush to the best, the fastest, and the richest, we neglected to ask some fundamental questions.

Is this all there is? Is this the best we (humanity) can do? Will this NEW and IMPROVE technology, product, or service do more harm than good? Will this ultimately be for humanity’s highest good?

That said; we probably would not have to retract non-biodegradable plastic from the earth. We wouldn’t have created products that depleted the ozone layer – a natural protective bubble that surrounds the earth. Perhaps even a shield that protected us from the sun and unknown outer space elements. We probably would not have done so much nuclear testing which has caused long term implications we still have yet to calculate. Though quietly kept, the earth has shifted in ways we have yet to measure. Those ways may even include sending earth into a new territory in the universe that requires a different kind of human to survive.

While we are so eager to explore the universe outside our own planet, other life forms seem more curious about what is going on here on earth. There have been an unprecedented number of alien sightings as of this writing lately. And I can tell you personally; there is some activity for a very good reason.

Not only has earth shifted, but I am told earth is in an experimental planet. It’s the only planet as far as I know that has “free will”. What does that mean?

Earth is the only planet with citizens that seem completely oblivious as to how it works. It’s not because we weren’t given proper instructions. We did. It’s called the Holy Bible or Torah.

It’s just that todays “leaders” seem to think they have it all under control. They believe they know better than Ancient Truths. Get your vax. Smoke a joint (they say it’s legal) and chill.

Conversely, the Ancients, the Elders, the family owned farms/farmers etc. of yester years followed the cycles of the moon and sun. They took action in alignment with the proper seasons.

They understood how to rotate crops to retain the crops highest intrinsic nutritional value. Consequently, they lived hundreds of years. These are all verifiable facts.

They believed that the Creator used the earth to form the outer layer of man known as the physical body. Therefore, they (humans) were connected to the earth.

They also understood the soul of man was an eternal spirit connected to its Creator. Therefore, they were connected to their GOD. They understood prayer was an essential line of communication.

Indigenous people understand this which makes them unconquerable. However, they too need to forgive those who tried to conquer and oppress them.

The ancient Elders prayed when navigating into new unknown territories. They prayed about new relationships, alliances, and about new ideas and innovation.

Sir Isaac Newton prayed. So did Albert Einstein. Moses prayed. Joan of Arc prayed. Harriet Tubman prayed. Thomas Edison prayed. I’d say they all did pretty well. You?

Not only did they expect answers when they prayed to GOD. They got answers.

Answers came in “due season”. That means they had to wait.

Not only has the earth shifted into new unprecedented territories in the universe. It’s gotten the attention of other planetary life forms. Why?

It’s unprecedented. The entire planet shift has occurred at an unprecedented rate.

There’s a “Universal Galactic Memo” that’s gone out. The Creator wants to occupy planet earth. Oh now, we’ve gone too far.

Really? Why such an honor for ignorant earthlings?

Many of them don’t even acknowledge a Creator of the Universe. Imagine The King of the Universe living on earth amongst them. What nerve! How can they even appreciate such a grace unknown and unacknowledged by so many of them?

If you recall, the Holy Conversation was even recorded in the Bible. The Angels (also known as the Angles as they are 90 degrees aka Corners of the Square Heavens – That’s another story.) Read the Book of Genesis. It’s in the first couple of chapters. You can’t miss it.

Here’s another small fact, but it’s also true. Did you know mice share the same DNA as humans? That’s why scientists usually test new medications on mice before humans.

That’s really somewhat irrelevant to our topic. However, it does put humans in perspective as to the whole of creation. What was the Creator thinking? Mice and Men. What?

However large the indignity humanity has shown towards each other and towards the One that created earth and humanity, one thing is becoming clear. There are rules that govern the game of life.

If it’s true that man’s body was formed form the dust of the earth, perhaps we should care more about what we put in the earth. That said, perhaps we should care more about what we put in our bodies.

The earth and man are one. Perhaps what heals the earth also heals man.

When humanity spent a year in lockdown from the coronavirus pandemic 2020-2021, something surprising happened. The earth quickly began to heal.

So perhaps the Sabbath Day, the seventh day of the week (sundown Friday until sundown Saturday), the twenty four hour period of time of rest, is good for both planet earth and humans. We all need a day of rest and recovery. And if the Sabbath Day is actually true, as per the Book of Genesis, perhaps Chapter 12 in the Book of Daniel is also true.

Chapter 8 in the Book of Daniel mentions a time such as now. It says it would be a time like no other. It tells the number of days in which humanity would have to endure the results the “Scourge of the Tongue” (also mentioned in Job 5:21).

Some would say, it’s the reaping and sowing of humanity’s negative thoughts, words, and actions in mass into a delicate atmosphere. It implies that Thoughts and Words are Things.

These “things” matter. Or perhaps these “things” are matter. Whether we see it or not with our naked eye, our words impact the atmosphere.

Ever watch a camera catch someone sneezing in slow motion? Do you see how those little spittles burst forth into the atmosphere? Those “spittles” can carry little viruses, yes even the corona virus (aka COVID-19). By now, it’s become common undeniable fact.

Believe it or not, those who maintain their composure (calm, loving, wise, think before speaking etc) emit a high energy frequency. Some call it people with “good vibes”.

Anger, hate speech, jealousy, envy and the like emit “low frequencies”. What does this all mean?

Psalm 72:7 in the Bible/Torah says only the “righteous” will see the “kingdom of heaven”… essentially… the new earth aka The Promised Land. It means those who can survive to see it. There is a place where only good thoughts and good vibes can survive. Call it Eden.

See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered,
nor will they come to mind. Isaiah 65:17

There was a time when people would literally break out into leprosy when they sent out cruel words unchecked. We are at that point again in history. Call it a built in “self-correcting” mechanism if you will. (Sowing/Reaping)

There is a cycle that comes around every few thousand years. It asks. Are they ready?

Most Jews didn’t make it, for obvious reasons, at Mount Sinai. Even though they initially overcame Pharaoh and escaped “slavery,” they still carried anger for Pharaoh in their hearts and minds. Some still do.

Here we are again 3,000 years later. Are you ready?

Are we as humans now ready? Can we “play nice” in unity? Can we and our planet enter this new realm “together as one united entity”?

But first, we must endure the current war of Og vs. Magog. Watch all four episodes of My Love is One TELL THEM! to learn who and what that is.

You don’t need a space ship or a billion dollars to get there. The “Mothership” has already landed. It was always here. It resides in your heart. You just need to make the connection.

It may not be the “high hills” of Colorado or the Rocky Mountains. Ready or not; earth is transforming. We are ascending.

The King of The Universe personally gathers those who can sustain that love vibe on earth where the Creator will also reside. No drugs required.

Only those with the “right-eous” stuff will/can survive up there/here. Can you?

LeTicia Lee is the Author of My Love is One(What I Learned from the Messiah about Love, Family, Climate Change & The Second Coming) Find the Book and Full Length 4 Part Docu-Series at www.TellThem.Live

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